ISSUE 8 | 4 June 2021

A spider’s web is a thing
of great beauty but also fragile.
Just like our lives.
A spider’s web is the result of hard work.
Just like our lives.
A spider’s web can get damaged.
But the spider is never discouraged.
The spider gets back to work and tries again.
Just like us.

ISSUE 7 | 21 May 2021

Loving God, open our minds and touch our hearts that we might attend to your gift of creation… Now more than ever may we feel that we are all interconnected and interdependent; enable us to listen and respond to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. May the present sufferings be the birth pangs of a more fraternal and sustainable world.

ISSUE 6 | 7 May 2021

Dear Lord,
On this special day, we show our gratitude for all Mothers.
We thank them for their all-encompassing love, for their commitment, care, and kindness.
We thank them for their wisdom, for helping us grow and flourish.

ISSUE 5 | 23 April 2021

May the glory and the promise
of this joyous time of year
bring peace and happiness to you
and those you hold most dear.
