Our College

Our Staff

The College has a dedicated, caring and well qualified staff. There are 68 staff members, comprising 43 teachers and 25 ancillary staff.

College Leadership Team

The College Leadership Team is responsible for development, planning and policy, as well as the day to day organisation of the College.

Christina Utri
Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching)
Grace Cini
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)
Dale Marshall
Faith and Mission Leader
Jacinta Dykes
Learning Diversity Leader
Giselle Grant
School Organiser
Christopher Dib

In addition, there is a staff elected position on the team which changes each year.

Other Teams

The College is committed to distributed leadership so staff work collaboratively in a range of teams to learn, to plan and to implement policy.

Year Level Pastoral Teams

Year level Pastoral Care teachers and the Year Level Leader.

Pastoral Team

Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care), Year Level Leaders and the Counsellor.

Learning and Teaching Team

Deputy Principal (Learning & Teaching), Learning Area Leaders and Learning Support.

Learning Area Teams

Domain Leader with learning area teachers

Faith Development

Faith Development Leader, Principal, Liturgy Team member.


Network Administrator, DP (Learning & Teaching), ICT Domain
Leader, Librarian, Principal

Staff are also involved in a range of short term working parties, professional learning teams, student committees, staff, student and families special interest groups and co-curricular activities.